Monday, January 16, 2006

Endorphin Fitness - Triathlete Coaching - New Facility

PRESS RELEASE Feb. 2, 2006

Media Contact: Greg Magnus
Ph: 804-915-7379

Endorphin Fitness – Richmond’s endurance athlete source for customized training, the latest technology, and nationally ranked coaches – is thrilled to announce the Grand Opening of its state-of-the-art fitness facility on Saturday, February 25, 2006.

The day kicks off at 7am with five hours of technology demonstrations and open use of the facility’s equipment including Powercranks, CompuTrainers, and the Endless Pool. Stop in to learn about how the technology works and what Endorphin Fitness can do to help improve your performance. Then, test out the equipment and see for yourself how technology has transformed the fitness industry.

That’s only the beginning. At 1pm the first Championship Indoor Cycling Races in our region will take place using CompuTrainers. Professional athletes who used this training technology won thirteen of the qualifying races for the 2005 Ironman World Championship. To qualify for the Cycling Races you must participate in the indoor time trials that take place at Endorphin Fitness on Saturday, February 18. The riders with the best qualifying times will compete in the main event at the Grand Opening. There will be three finals: Youth 10K Race, Adult Men 20K Race, and Adult Women 20K Race.

During these events, riders will race inside the facility on their own bikes, which are connected to the CompuTrainers. There will be eight riders side-by-side racing the same course that is projected onto a screen. Data will appear throughout the race with each rider’s distance, elapsed time, speed, and power output. With the high-tech simulations, this is a race you have to experience to believe. The event is open to everyone, so be a part of the first Championship Indoor Cycling Race in the area. Call 804-741-1599 to register for the time trials.

For a full schedule of the Grand Opening, visit The new facility is located at 8910 Patterson Avenue, Richmond, VA. For directions please visit the website.

About Endorphin Fitness

Founded in January 2005, Endorphin Fitness provides adult and youth endurance athletes with individualized programs that enhance race performance as well as the athlete’s quality of life. Michael Harlow is the head coach and owner of Endorphin Fitness. Harlow is a USA Triathlon Certified Coach and has been racing triathlons since the age of ten. He is currently ranked in the top 6% of triathletes in the nation for his age group.

Press release and marketing support for this event is being provided by Call 804-915-7379 for more information.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Staying Motivated

It’s no secret. The biggest challenge for you and I is finding the motivation to begin an exercise program or continue one recently started. Together, how can we inspire each other to make fitness a priority everyday?

Our health is so important. Let’s get started. First, we’ll both need to accept the fact that living a healthy lifestyle is a process and not an event. Fitness is the end result of our daily habits and our everyday behavior. We rarely question why we do certain things, its just habit. So first of all we’ll need to alter our habits. How?

You and I are going to take action! I’m getting motivated just thinking about taking action - action breeds motivation. We’re in this together. What’s next?

Do we even know why we have certain habits? Changing our behavior is going to take time so the sooner we’re able to focus on making small changes the sooner we’ll see results. I’m making one small change today. I’ll walk just a little more today and tomorrow in addition to my regular exercise program. I’ll take a little extra time to enjoy the world around me while walking. I’ll keep my head high and see things as I’ve never seen them before. I can see this is going to pay off. It’s the right path and we’re on it. That was easy, now what?

Now that I’m walking more, I need the right fuel. My eating habits need to change, but not all that drastically. Let’s agree that you and I will spend a little more time making better choices while shopping for groceries. After making a selection in the grocery store, we’ll pause and ask ourselves, “Is this the best choice?“ Are there similar products that are still enjoyable, but just a little healthier? We have the power to choose and we’re now choosing more wisely.

If you and I are going to stay motivated, we need to constantly remind ourselves that a pay-off lays ahead. I can see its already working. A new, healthy, stronger you is emerging.

We can’t forget that consistently making the right choices combined with an exercise plan will not only improve our overall health and fitness, it will also improve our appearance, energy level, and attitude. We’ll reap psychological benefits as well: more confidence, better self-esteem, and relief from anxiety and stress. So let’s start some planning.

Our fitness is a priority so we’ll need to set aside 30 minutes a day for exercise. The mornings are best, but lunch is also a good time to exercise. You and I are not going to wait until the end of the day to exercise any longer. Our goal is to exercise before 2:00 p.m. whenever possible. On the days we can’t exercise before 2:00 p.m., we’ll schedule 45 minutes of exercise for the early evening or an hour the following day if we miss a day, but we won’t.

When you’re not available, I’ll find someone else to exercise with me that day or I’ll exercise alone because it is important for me to stay committed to the plan. We’ll need to tell everyone we know our exercise schedule so they can encourage us to stick with it. Sharing our fitness goals with others will help us achieve our goals. We’ll feel compelled to exercise because it’s now part of our lifestyle. Exercise is now on our schedule as a “high priority.”

Thanks for offering to help me stay motivated. I’d like to share a few things I’ve found that might be helpful to you also:

1. Check with your doctor if you are starting a new exercise routine to play it safe, especially if you have any pre-existing conditions of potential concern. Share your fitness goals with your doctor.

2. Write down a few fitness goals and post them on your refrigerator. Keep them short and sweet. Sign the paper like it is an important contract, because it is. “I commit to these fitness goals on this the ___ day of ______.” It really works.

3. Contact a personal trainer at your workout facility and ask them to show you the proper form for all of the exercises on your routine. If you haven’t prepared your routine yet, ask a personal trainer to help you prepare a customized workout plan. If you would like a customized workout plan you can obtain inexpensively online, contact me and I’ll hook you up with my personal trainer. He offers online training.

4. If your personal trainer suggests exercises you don’t really enjoy, don’t be shy. Ask him or her for an alternative exercise. I don’t even think of walking or running in the rain, so plan to see me in the gym at a spinning class or aerobics workout on rainy days.

5. Get to know a few of the people at your gym by name. You’ll enjoy going more frequently when you develop relationships with others living healthy lifestyles.

6. Ask a local nutritionist to prepare a sample weekly meal plan for you. If you don’t know a nutritionist, contact me and I’ll help you find a resource that allows you to prepare one online.

7. Don’t have time today isn’t an excuse any longer. Studies suggest that several 5-10 minutes exercises spaced throughout the day can be just as beneficial as a regular workout.

8. While the water is warming up for your shower, run in place for a few minutes, drop to the floor for a few sit-ups or push-ups. It’s a great way to get five minutes of exercise in everyday no matter what your day brings.

9. Try to workout around the same time everyday. It becomes a good habit you can live with day in and day out.

10. Reward yourself after reaching a milestone goal. Fitness isn’t dull and boring for you or I. It’s fun and we’ll stick with it because we want to and that’s all that matters.

Monday, January 09, 2006

How to Measure Financial Return - Marketing Via Blogs

How to Measure Financial Return - Marketing Via Blogs

Blogging for sport is one thing, doing so for financial return alludes most bloggers even thought their intent is otherwise. Why is this so? Several factors must be taken into consideration when determining a blogger’s ROI:
  • Equipment (computer, software, Internet connection, server, desk, etc.)

  • Labor cost (writer, marketing staff, programmer, site designer, etc.)

  • Management, and

  • Marketing costs

The equipment isn’t a big deal. Every business owner, and most students and homeowners for that matter, have a computer. Blog software can be obtained at no cost (WordPress, etc.) and finding an inexpensive hosting company is easy. The real costs are labor, management, and marketing.

All bloggers know “Content is King” and we also know quality content takes time to develop. In an endless sea of information, providing your readers with compelling content is time consuming. Blogging everyday might require:
  • 2-3 hours of a writer’s time (say a minimum of 12 hours/week)

  • Add a few hours of tech time (add new features, update products, links, track results, etc.

  • Add a few more hours to manage and market your blog.

Total time quickly approaches 20 hours per week. At $25 per hour (low estimate), that’s about $500 per week or $26,000 per year just for labor.

A conservative estimate for a quality blog might range anywhere from $20-$50k per year. If you’re a small business owner and your blog doesn’t generate a few thousand a month in return it’s probably not worth your time. However, there is value in branding your company if your readers are qualified prospects. Targeting your content to reach your intended audience is the key to blogging success.

The link above is another analysis of blogging ROI that briefly discusses the percentage of conversions needed to turn a profit.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Fitness Franchises Rank within the Top 25

Franchise 500 - 2006 Ranking

Two fitness franchises rank within the Top 25 on the Franchise 500 - 2006 Ranking, as reported by Entrepreneur Magazine. Curves, a well-known chain of women's fitness and weight-loss centers, comes in at number 3 on the list. Jazzercise Inc., a chain offering dance fitness programs, ranks at number 25.

With over 8,000 franchises worldwide, the growth of Curves has been impressive. Based in Waco, Texas, the firm began franchising in 1995. The average total investment required to open a franchise ranges between $38 and $54 thousand and continued strong growth can be expected.

Jazzercise began franchising in 1983 and now has over 6,000 franchises worldwide. The franchise fee ranges from $3,000 to just over $33,000. While ranking within the top 15 in the past, the franchise ranking has slipped, but the firm still shows a strong presence.

With the continued proliferation of fitness franchises, existing fitness facilities are feeling the pressure. Member retention inititives must be evaluated and updated. Are your members getting the results they desire? If not, kiss them goodbye.

If you own or manage an existing fitness facility, building strong customer relationships is more important now than ever. As more and more local fitness boutiques open their doors, turn-over rates will increase for those that fail to aggressively serve and listen to their members. Communication with your existing members is key. And aggressive referral programs are needed to combat a flattening, if not declining, retention curve.

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