Monday, May 18, 2009

Exercise Your Way Into Prosperity

Exercising and staying in shape does far more for you than simply making you look good and be healthier. Did you ever stop to think that a regular fitness routine can improve your mental state and your emotional state as well as your body? It can even be linked to how we handle and how quickly we recover from stressful situations like financial hardship during this recession. The simple answer is usually correct.

When an individual becomes stressed they tend to do several harmful things. First, their body goes into flight or fight mode. When this occurs, one of two things happen, either they burn off the excess fuel the body has provided for the fight or flight by exercising, or it is stored as fat. Secondly, when an individual is stressed, worry and negative emotions begin to set in. This alone causes several problems. The worry and negative emotions slow down the metabolism, literally causing you to release more hormones that cause fat storage. On a mental-emotional level, stress will cause performance levels to decrease. Think about it, when you are stressed, worried, upset, sad, or depressed, how well do you function? The answer of course is not nearly as well as you could.

Study after study has linked exercise to better mental health. The mental state of humans has a direct effect on how they function in society. When people are in their top mental state, they function well, perform better, produce better results and are happier. While exercising, the body is able to expel toxins and a much faster rate. It pumps more oxygen rich blood to the brain, enabling clearer thought, better focus, and a stronger will to continue. Endorphins flood the body helping to make you feel happy and less worried about what may be going on in your life. A higher mental state means a better or more positive attitude and with the positive attitude comes the drive to rebuild any situation.

Exercise is one of the greatest stress relievers known to man. It is as powerful as any drug that exists. It has the power to change your mental or emotional state for the better, thus making you more productive and able to meet challenges with every ounce of your being versus your previous negative, worrisome, frantic self. Following a proper fitness regiment literally help to get your life back on track in every way. Health, finances, mental state, and even emotional state.

Living a lifestyle of movement and activity will springboard you out of bad times if you are willing to commit to it. Think about yourself. Aren't you more motivated when you are happy? Don't you push yourself more when you are feeling good? Personally, my achievement levels soar when I am happier. I am far more motivated, push myself harder, and enjoy doing it! It makes me want to go after things 100%. If I neglect exercise or movement and activity, I feel the difference immediately. My energy levels go down, my drive goes down, and my emotional state goes down. I have less will to move beyond a hardship that is holding me back in life. Why does this happen?

Humans are meant to be active and in times of stress or anxiety, we are meant to be even more active, not less! Unfortunately we have been programmed to do the opposite. If things go bad, we lock ourselves in our room. We sit, watch tv, and eat more, or dive into a pint, or worse. The only thing that happens when we act in this fashion is that we make it much harder to get back on track. We make it harder to rebuild or motivate ourselves as we drown in self pity. If we actually follow what we are biologically designed to do the depression, fear, or anxiety will pass. It doesn't matter if it is worry over weight gain or worry over losing a job! The principals are identical. Inspiration comes in many forms.

So will exercise fix your money problems, or your worry about the loss of your job? No, but it can do a tremendous amount to help. The more you move, the better you function. The better you function, the more motivated you are. The more motivated you are, the faster you will get back on track. The faster you get back on track, the more you will achieve. There are speed bumps in the life of every single person. However, the knowledge of what to do when this happens in invaluable. Because we are designed to move, when we do move, we handle life far better. When faced with new information or a situation you have a choice. Don't take my word for it, test this theory yourself. Give 100% for 30 days or so and see how fast things will change.

Cory Brusseau is a widely respected expert on the subject of fitness, strength, and nutrition. To learn more, please visit:

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